USS Merced

Land of the Long Lost

Lost Legacy

Mission Description

Our ship came across and old Starfleet distress signal on a technology lacking planet. This is that story.



About the Mission

USS Merced
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

29 March 2025

Legacy Found- Death kindly stopped by

USS Merced: Land of the Long Lost

Marcus, now done with his shift, reopened the book and read. The first few entries were fairly basic until he got to day ten. DAY 10— Of our surviving crew there are 4 Andorians; today all four of them passed out and later died. It seems that the atmosphere of this planet, though it came up on [...]

27 March 2025

Legacy Found

USS Merced: Land of the Long Lost

My ship picked up a very faint distress signal following it, we came across a temple deep in the forest we could see a group of monks we carefully approached and I heard them chanting: “A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y” followed by the ringing of a bell. As my crew and I got closer, we [...]