Bravo Fleet Command

Task Force 17

The official fiction releases of Task Force 17

Mission Description

This mission contains all official releases from Task Force 17 staff members or pertinent fictions from the Lore Office. Here can be found historic briefings, key events in a task force’s history and development, and launching points for task force stories.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

25 February 2025

A Change of Command

Bravo Fleet Command: Task Force 17

The observation lounge was devoid of visitors at this time of day, which was precisely why Cressida Brennan had sought it out. Her gaze drifted to the steaming cup of tarblack she cradled in her hands before flicking back up to the vast cosmos stretching before her. The stars appeared dimmed as [...]

1 January 2025

Goodbye... For now.

Bravo Fleet Command: Task Force 17

A female voice cut through the hum of the astrometric office over the comms. “Captain Varro, this is Commander Feringa. Apologies for the interruption, sir, but we’ve just received word from the USS Discovery—they’ve entered the sector and will be ready to transport Commander Brennan [...]

26 December 2024

Professional Banter

Bravo Fleet Command: Task Force 17

Callen Varro sat hunched over his desk on Deep Space 17, the hum of the station’s systems filling the background as he scanned through a stack of reports. His eyes flicked from one screen to the next, the bright glow of the PADDs casting a soft light on his face. A steaming mug of tea sat to [...]

10 February 2024

New Frontiers

Bravo Fleet Command: Task Force 17

“…and once I board the USS Discovery, I’ll officially be halfway there.”’ Captain Khim paused in her dictation, resisting the urge to play word association and break into song lyrics. “I’ve never been so glad to put Starbase 38 and the Delta Quadrant behind me. Waiting so long to hear [...]