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USS Gagarin: The Unknown

The Gagarin is ordered to head towards Rhijun within the Velorum Sector.

Mission Description

The USS Gagarin is currently docked at Devron Fleet Yards undergoing crew assignments. Captain Derohl receives word from Task Force 93 Command that they are to head toward Rhijun within Romulan Space. The planet seems to be experiencing the Terrellian Plague that is affecting the Romulan inhabitance, as well as some Remans, have begun to experience symptoms. They are requesting Starfleet’s assistance as they don’t have the medical technology to deal with the situation. The Gagarin is dispatched to assist the inhabitance that has come down with the plague.

About the Mission

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17 April 2023

6 - The Unknown

USS Gagarin: The Unknown

Teila had felt out of place since she and Jeesa had arrived on the Gagarin, not knowing anyone but the captain. She had decided to head towards cargo bay one to see if they needed help checking in the medical supplies, wanting to keep busy to keep her mind occupied. Walking down the corridor, [...]

2 April 2023

5 - The Unkown

USS Gagarin: The Unknown

It’s been a few days since the crew arrived on board the Gagarin and they have yet to receive any orders. Tajir had woken up earlier than normal as he could not fall back asleep, so he decided to get the day started early. After getting dressed and grabbing something quick to eat from the [...]

19 March 2023

4 - The Unknown

USS Gagarin: The Unknown

Starbase 93’s promenade was the life of the station. The buzz of activity as people made their way throughout, entering shops or going to grab something to eat at one of the local restaurants. Teila Zoran was sitting in one of the local coffee shops, nestled in the far corner that was located by [...]

8 March 2023

3 - The Unknown

USS Gagarin: The Unknown

Starbase 93, better known as Devron Fleet Yards within the Devron sector, was a hub of activity. Being so close to the old Romulan Neutral Zone they tend to get a lot of traffic. The headquarters of Task Force 93 and humanitarian efforts, made the starbase even busier. It was a starbase that Dedre [...]