USS Lakota (Archive)
Episode 4: The Eridanus Gambit
Following their recent investigations, Lakota arrives with relief supplies to its next destination, only to find the wreckage of a destroyed Federation freighter and growing tensions on the surface. Can the crew substantiate claims of Cardassian involvement, in a move that would surely trigger a wider-scale conflict?
Mission Description
Somewhere deep in the former Demilitarized Zone, along the tumultuous Federation border with the Cardassian Union, lies the enigmatic planet Eridanus. Eridanus, known for its strategic importance and valuable resources, has long been a symbol of stability and cooperation in the region. Here, Cardassians and Humans alike have learned to live in harmony. However, several days ago, the planet fell inexplicably silent.
Following their investigations of the third planet in the Eridanus system, the Lakota arrives with relief supplies for a planet in a nearby sector, only to find the wreckage of a destroyed Federation freighter and growing tensions on the surface. Whilst Nazir and her crew try to substantiate claims of Cardassian involvement, in a move that would surely trigger a wider-scale conflict, the arrival of a Cardassian command cruiser (and a familiar foe) threatens their investigation.
Mission two in the Eridanus Trilogy.