USS Galaxy

M2: Shall Find No Rest In This Wicked World

In the aftermath of the Labyrinth Crisis, the crew of the USS Galaxy grapples with the fallout of their journey. Those who arrived home safely deal with new political realities while the crew stranded in the Runabouts do their best to survive until help arrives.

Mission Description


About the Mission

USS Galaxy
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

20 February 2025

Wicked World - Part 3

USS Galaxy: M2: Shall Find No Rest In This Wicked World

The soft swish of the doors of the stellar cartography lab cut through the silence of the room, Alex Turing his head to see who was walking in. “Excellent timing Captain.” Captain Clara Myers walked across the ‘catwalk’ to the small, round, area that was in the middle of the [...]

4 January 2025

Wicked World - Part 2

USS Galaxy: M2: Shall Find No Rest In This Wicked World

Clara glanced around the room, taking another sip of the wine in her left hand and was doing her best not to knock the rather elaborate hairpiece off her head. It seemed that the Mackdorans were extremely particular about the attire of those around them during diplomatic functions; women were to [...]

23 August 2024

Wicked World - Part 1

USS Galaxy: M2: Shall Find No Rest In This Wicked World

Alex rounded the corner, PADD in hand. He returned a polite nod hello from a Lieutenant in an operations gold uniform, not recalling who she was. In the two weeks since the Galaxy‘s little adventure into Underspace, the ship had been in orbit of SB-72 undergoing repairs and some final crew [...]