Part of USS Hathaway: Episode 1: Breathless Skies

Sweeping Deck 8

Deck 8
Stardate 24015.6, 1730 Hours
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The minimally lit hallways of Deck 8 created an atmosphere of dread and fear. The wrist-mounted lights of Lieutenants Sukal and Mendez bounced along the walls as they walked, only adding to the sensation.

“It looks like something out of a haunted house,” Mendez said as they walked. “You never realize how much lighting helps when walking down the halls.”

“That is the purpose,” Sukal simply answered.

“Man, I suppose I never real-”

“Sukal to Korren,” Sukal said, tapping her communicator. “Response Team Alpha checking in, status green.”

“-knowle…, Korren….”

“More of that interference… great,” Mendez groaned.

The team moved further down the hall and turned a corner, a figure came into view. The two medical officers halted and took defensive stances. “Medical Response Team,” Mendez called out. “Are you hurt?”

“Nah!” the voice of a young woman with an obvious English accent wafted down the corridor. “Nah, I’m good!”

Crewman Fearne Popples had been alone since the lights went out. It didn’t bother her too much. This wasn’t Fearne’s first rodeo. She had previously been on another ship that had lost all power. That one exploded, eventually. Fearne hoped this one wouldn’t. She had a light of her own on her right wrist and a hand-phaser in her right hand, ready to shoot whatever was highlighted by the light if necessary. These were quickly lowered to point at the floor.

Fearne shielded her eyes from the bright light of the medics’ wrist lights, showing only bright, matte red lips to her medical colleagues as she approached. Once closer the hand was removed to show intricate black and gold makeup, finished with false eyelashes, expertly applied around her eyes, one of which was green and one brown. 

“Sorry, I mean no, I’m good, Lieutenant,” she corrected herself, seeing the pips on the collars of the team.

The two medics lowered their wrist lights to illuminate Fearne’s body and immediate area. They relaxed their stance and posture “We’ve been tasked by Dr. Selara to usher people to Sickbay. It’s one of the designated safe havens on the ship,” Sukal said.

“What news do you have Crewman? Did you see any bad guys?” Mendez said.

Sukal looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

Mendez cleared his throat, and switched to a monotone voice, “Have you encountered any hostiles or known enemies of the Federation?”

Fearne stood smartly in front of the officers, her hands clasped behind her back showing the contours of her muscular shoulders through her uniform.

“No, sir,” she said. “Wait, do we count like really awkward doors as enemies of the Federation? Y’know, the ones that just won’t do the manual release. ‘Cause the one getting out of the girl’s loo in section twelve was a complete bitch. Like, you’d think they would make it so a manual release wouldn’t get stuck right? Like, if the backup system doesn’t work, then it’s kinda failed at being a backup, right? And I don’t wanna be mean to the door like maybe the door has issues to work through but I gotta call it out, it is an emergency after all.”

Sukal and Mendez looked at each other. He was the first to break the silence. “Eh, we were kinda thinking more along the lines of Cardassians or Changelings,” Mendez said, scratching the back of his head. “But we’ll keep ‘faulty doors’ on the list.”

“Regardless of malfunctioning doors, we still need to escort you to Sickbay. We are unaware if greater threats are present aboard the Hathaway. If you’ll come with us,” Sukal said.

“Yes sir!” Fearne said in an oddly cheery tone. “Yep, absolutely. I’m kinda supposed to go there anyway, security protocols and all. Make your way to the nearest important location if there’s one on your deck, sickbay, bridge, or engineering, and await orders. I’ll take point.”

Fearne lifted her phaser and torch again and set off, scanning the corridors methodically with the light as they walked.

Mendez grinned and made a sweeping gesture for Fearne to lead the way. The two Response Team members fell in behind her. Mendez tapped his communicator, “Response Team Alpha to Korren, we found a straggler. We’re bringing her to Sickbay.”

Say… Response… Alpha… Repeat?”

Mendez opened his mouth, but was stopped by Sukal, “It would be little use, we’ll be at Sickbay sooner than you can repeat yourself.”

True to her words, the three of them rounded another corner and arrived at Sickbay. Mendez pounded on the door with his fist three times.

“That was unnecessary,” Sukal said.

Mendez shrugged, “In case the door chime is broken.”

“Identify yourself,” came the response from the other side of the door.

“Response Team Alpha, returning with a security officer,” Sukal explained.

The door released with a small hiss, and a pair of hands emerged to pry it the rest of the way open. Mendez grabbed the other side, fully opening the doors.

Mendez gestured inside, “Enjoy, Crewman. And don’t break anything,” he wagged a disapproving finger. The two Response Team members turned and disappeared back down the corridor.

“Come in, come in,” a Trill man motioned to Fearne.

“Thanks…” Fearne grinned, peering after Mendez a moment. She thought the comment about her breaking things was slightly unwarranted, after all, she wasn’t a total meat-head.

Perhaps he’s been speaking to Kriana… Fearne thought, with a pang, wondering what her wife was up to and hoping she was safe.

The Trill medical officer turned a crank, closing the doors. He then engaged a switch, and the door locked with a small clang.

“Oh great, they found someone else,” Selara said with a smile. “I’m Dr. Selara. I trust the Lieutenants tended to any wounds.”

“Crewman Fearne Popples. No wounds ma’am, I’m all good,” Fearne said with a nod.

“Excellent,” Selara clapped her hands together. Her cheerfulness was contrasted by the surrounding darkness but added warmth to it. “Fearne… where have I heard that name before?” Selara scratched her chin in thought. “Oh! You’re Kriana’s wife! I met her in the Starlight Lounge. Lovely woman, makes a good mint julep.” She stopped and examined the woman, “You’re every bit the person she bragged about,” Selara chuckled. Fearne grinned back.

“Yeah! No yeah, Misses Kriana, yeah. Yeah. If there’s a drink that needs like, making, then Kriana can make a good one. Yeah. No she loves all that, like the replicator makes like a good whatever but it’s always like the same whatever but if you get a proper cocktaily bar-y mixy person to do it then you get a unique one every time,” Fearne exclaimed enthusiastically with liberal use of her hands which danced along in time to her word spaghetti. “We always use her patterns on the replicator in our quarters, better than the default stuff. Get used all the time, everyone’s always round ours cause we’ve actually got quarters cause we’re married, most of the crewman it’s like a whole bunk-y dorm-y kinda situation. Perks, y’know.”

“It sounds like quite the party, I’ll have to look for my invite,” Selara said with a wink. “I do agree there’s nothing like an actual cooked meal that a replicator just can’t match.” She sighed at the thought of a cooked meal right about now. “Feel free to join any of the groups. We have provisions, but we’re trying to conserve them as much as possible.”

There were roughly a dozen officers scattered throughout Sickbay. Around the darkened environment of Sickbay, a small group formed around an emergency light. They took turns telling stories and having casual conversations. Others simply sat by themselves, still trying to process what was happening. A couple of people were keeping their hands busy by mindlessly building and deconstructing small items. Some slept on the biobeds, secure in the safety of the Sickbay. Fearne looked about and back to Doctor Selara.

“If it’s alright ma’am I’ll jump on door duty, do some… securing… of things…? Security protocols say I’m supposed to make sure there’s an armed security presence at my nearest designated safe haven and then wait for orders, doesn’t look like you’ve got any other security here?” Fearne scanned the assembled uniforms.

“That’s a great idea! I think the few security personnel we have are resting. I’m sure Lieutenant Mox could use a break. He’ll show you how to operate the manual door release.”

“Oh I don’t need to be shown I got that down already ma’am,” Fearne assured the doctor. “Had to let myself out of the loo back that way. Awkward door. Coulda been worse, at least I wasn’t peeing when the lights went out. Hey! Maybe this time the ship won’t explode. Last time this happened to me the ship exploded. Fortunately, I wasn’t on it. Manual released a buttload of doors that time, I’m like a pro now.”

Selara chuckled at her enthusiasm, “Let’s hope that doesn’t happen in this instance. It looks like you’re well on your way then. Arrange a shift schedule with Lieutenant Mox. And we’ll add any security personnel as they come in.”

“Aye aye, ma’am,” Fearne turned to find the Lieutenant. “Have a good blackout ma’am,” she said in parting.