Part of USS Paramount: S1E4 | Heated Negotiations and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Act Four: Who?

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Unknown Region, Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.9 | 07:34
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T’Soni walked down the corridor each step she made with precision as she inched closer to her destination. As she reached the science lab the doors opened and she stepped inside. As she crossed the doorway she immediately scanned the room for who she had just spoken with in a hallway.

Soli looked up from the PADD she was working on to see who had entered the lab. She met eye-to-eye with the Vulcan first officer. “Commander?” she said a little shocked at the fact that the Vulcan came down to this deck instead of having her come up to meet in the ready room. She stood from the desk and approached her. “Soli follow me,” T’Soni said to her, her tone soft but authoritative. When she heard the words she frowned a little.

Simply nodding, Soli followed T’Soni as she led her out of the lab and down the corridor. “The Commander has approved your request,” she said as they walked down the corridor. Soli’s expression changed from worry to excitement but it wouldn’t last long. “Against my strongest recommendations,” T’Soni said never looking from the point in the distance.

“Why do you object?” Soli asked her. Having served with each other on the Nile they knew each other quite well.

“I’ve known you for some time. Time enough to know you. How you operate, how you think, how you check then triple-check any idea before ever sharing it with someone,” T’Soni said to her as they continued their walk. “This plan of yours isn’t like you. The Soli I knew would never suggest a plan that could put her fellow officers or ship at risk.”

The silence they surrounded themselves however short they were was filled with a hurt unspeakable. Soli looked up to T’Soni but to hear her say that her plan was an unnecessary risk cut deep.

“Commander Nitus has ordered us to not us a runabout,” T’Soni said, taking a long breath. “Against my strongest recommendation, we are to use the Paramount itself. All non-essential personnel are being off-loaded onto the planet while a skeltion crew will remain on board as we study the aperture.”

“Tha-” Soli started before T’Soni interrupted her. “Commander Nitus has permitted me to pull the plug if I feel the ship is in danger of being destroyed or pulled back into Underspace,” T’Soni stopped walking and looked at the younger officer eye to eye. “If anything goes wrong we will return to the planet. Clear?” T’Soni said his voice low but carrying a venom she was not expecting.

“Crystal. I will get to work right away,” Soli said as she turned and walked away. T’Soni watched as her ‘old’ friend walked back to her lab. Maybe she was a bit too harsh to the young officer but she had to understand that they weren’t in or near Federation space. They were in an unknown region and the vicinity of an unstable government.

Capital City, Solara, Solara System, Unknown Region, Delta Quadrant

“The last of the non-essential personnel are being transported down, ma’am. We are ready for departure,” T’Soni said over Nitus’ combadge as she sat in a large apartment living room with the other members of her team gathered around listening to the commander and her number one talk. “You’re clear to depart,” Nitus said to her. “Report back once you find something.”

“Yes, Commander. I’m also sending down two shuttles just in case you need to take flight.”

“Thank you, Number One. Nitus out,” she said cutting the transmission. Turning to look out of the window and down at the busy center below. Hundreds of civilians, military, and government workers all walked with purpose and precision as they concerned themselves with nothing but their objective and their destination.

Arva sat up, “I still don’t like the idea of the Paramount leaving orbit,” he said aloud as he walked.

“Well, we need to have a way out of here. The Athrean Confederacy is unstable they have split into two ideologically different factions,” Nitus said as she looked back at everyone sitting down. “During our meeting, they completely avoided my question about the base.”

“Don’at became uneasy like we had found something he didn’t want us to, while N’Lane on the other hand seemed curious as if she hadn’t known about the base,” she said walking to an empty spot and sitting down next to Arva.

They all sat there deep in thought as they listened to what she said. “Maybe Don’at is hiding something. Some kind of weapon,” Reno suggested. “Or maybe N’Lane is trying to through you of the scent. Trying to see if you take the bait.”

“I concure,” Arva said as she joined in. “Don’at could be hiding something but  the only way for us to find out would be for us to investigate it ourselves.”

“It would be easier for us to just investigate oursevels but as you said. The Paramount is not in orbit so i don’t feel comfortable with splitting us up,” Nitus said as she stood and walked over to what she assumed was the kitchen. “Anyways we have a dinner to attend.”

“What?” Laura said louder that she wanted to causing everyone to glance at her before turning back thier attenntion on Nitus.

“Don’at decied to change the subject of the meeting by invitingus to a dinner that by the way her said it and with the activiy in the cente,” she said as she opened what looked to be a 21st centry Earth refrigerator before taking out a fboul filled with some type of fruit.

“That’s an interesting way of changing the subject,” Alessa said.

“Sure is,” Nitus said as she walked back to where the group was gathered and sitting down in her sport as she tried the fruit.

8 Hours Later

Walking into the garden with everyone else in full dress uniform, Arva wondered how this dinner with the Athreans would go. The ambiance was serene, with lanterns casting a soft glow over the gathering and the gentle hum of nocturnal creatures creating a peaceful backdrop. Nitus, Arvam Alessa, Laura and Tiana were the guests of honor.

As they arrived at the Great Hall as it was known they stood in a courtyard before making their way into the dinning hall. The staffers laid out a huge feast as Magistrate Don’at stood raising his glass. “To new friendship,” he said. Arva and the others echoed the toast. Arva had fought hard to aviod having to come but Nitus inisted. He knew this would be the perfect chance to take them all. Studying the aperture it would take them at least four hours to get back if something happened.

Alessa leaned over to Arva. “You know I can read thoughts. Right?” she asked sarcastcally.

“Yes I do, and I was hoping you were listening,” he leaned in closer so no one could hear what they were discussing. “Tell me. What do you feel?” he asked her.

“I feel- I-” Alessa’s eyes began to lose their sparkle. Her brows knitted togather, her once brisht smail faded into a converned frown. She glanced araound the lounge, her gaze growing more distant, as if she were listining to an unseen distress call. THe tension in her jaw became evident as she clenched her teeth slightly, and her eyes reflect a deep, unspoken anguish. She took a deep brethm trying to steady herself, but the pervasive sense of pain and toutre she sensed became almost overwhelming.

A large bang echoed through the hall as the doors swung open revealing Petty Officer Jason Walker. He stumbled as he entered the room, his uniform disheveled and his expression frantic. “Commander… they’re here… theu’re here,” said as he walked towards Nitus limping as he did.

“Who?” she asked as she stood from her seat and looked at him concenred.

“The Rom…” he said hid voice barely above a whisper. Then he collaped before he could get the words out. Walker was unconscious his cryptic warning hanging in the air. Laura came with a tricorder as she scanned him.

Everyone sat at the table were silent, eyes wide with shock. Nitus concern etched onher face looked to her subordinates then to N’Lane she had concern and worry written across her face. Don’at looked relived as if somehthing he hadn’t want discovered was still secret.

Looking back to the others Nitus issued her order. “Ensign see to him. Take him back to Paramount if you need to. The rest of you, stay alert.”

This dinner had just tunred into the heart of a critial crisis.


  • What a thrilling and intense story! The way T'Soni's precise and authoritative demeanor contrasts with Soli's excitement and worry really draws you in. The suspense builds perfectly, especially when the unexpected twist of the Romulan threat is revealed. Can't wait to see how the crew handles this critical crisis! Fantastic writing!

    July 19, 2024