Part of Montana Station: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron

DES 002 – More Wrinkles

Montana Station
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“Commander Davidson has filed the charges against the doctor and intends to take it to trial.”  Fleet Captain Geronimo Fontana sat at his desk.  Captain Helena Dread was across from him.

“I’m guessing a public defender has been appointed to represent her.”  Helena didn’t have an opinion on the matter.  She was happy to get the El-Aurian off her ship and into someone else’s responsibility.

“Yes.  Paperwork has been completed, and station medical operations will now oversee her care.”  He held up a PADD, “There’s something else.  Captain Ki’s assignment wasn’t an accident.”  He handed it to her, “Captain Ki and Commander Davidson have worked together over the years – more than just incidental or accidental.  However they swung their assignments, there is a plan somewhere in the muddied waters they’re swimming in.”

The reports alarmed Helena as she read, “What could they want with us?  We have some syndicate activity and others we’re uncovering…but these two are a heavy response.  What are we missing?”

Geronimo considered his theories. They only made the water more challenging to see through, and he felt like he was entering conspiracy theory territory. He qualified, “Hasara’s been hearing whispers. Some groups and organizations have taken an interest in us and our less guarded levels. The officer shortage isn’t just affecting us—other stations and planetary installations are experiencing similar issues.  Thasaz is doing her best with what she has, but we’re going to get the attention of less-than-savory operators.  Rachel Harris, down at Harris Transport, has had to up the defensive vessels in her fleet.”

Dread returned the PADD, “So it’s going to get worse before it gets better.  I noticed we don’t have new orders, Ger.”

He smiled thinly, “For now, we’re going to ask for your crew’s help with staffing security aboard the station.”  Geronimo shared one more thought with her, “I don’t think Davidson is just going to be looking at outside actors.  His pattern doesn’t fit that model.”

She felt a cold shiver run down her spine, “You think he’s going to turn his focus on us?”

“We’ve all bent our share of rules and regulations, Helena.  All I’m suggesting is operating with a touch more caution.  Pantuso and Walton are getting the same warning along with the command crew here on Montana.  Whatever they are up to – I don’t want to give him reasons.”

Dread had one more item, “I’m going to need help with Fowler.”

“Doctor Theodora Walker-Halsey is waiting for you in science lab three.  She has some ideas. I’ve got messages and requests to see if anyone has anything that connects to her case.  We’ll find something, Helena.”

She stood, making eye contact, “I hope so, Ger.  I’m not sure what the loss of an officer will have on this crew.”

He watched her disappear through the office door.  Between the three ships, they had endured enough loss.  He was going to do everything he could to keep it that way.