Part of USS Paramount: S1E5 | Echoes of Orion and USS Paramount: Season 1

Act Thirteen: Reassignment

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Archanis Sector, Federation-Klingon Border, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.10 | 2021 hours
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First Officer’s Log Supplemental. The Paramount has returned to Archanis Station alongside the Lincoln, the Kennedy as well as the Viridian’s Grace. Captain Tovak begrudgingly agreed to let his claim on the Grace and its crew go as he was called back to Qronod. The Grace’s crew has been released and the ship itself has been returned to Stellar Industries. Commander Nitus is on her way to the Paramount after meeting with Captain Drake. We are to remain at the station until the arrival of Captain Octavian Jackson the newly appointed deputy commander of Task Force 93. Whom we are to transport to Devron Fleet Yards.

Despite being docked to Archanis Station. The bridge of the Paramount remained an active place aboard the ship. With engineers working to prepare the ship for its journey to Devron and logistics office resupplying the vessel.

Back on deck one in the observation lounge the ship’s senior staff gathered as they awaited Nitus to provide them with their new orders as well as provide an update on all they had missed during their dealings with the Viridian’s Grace.

“There have been some changes fleet-wide as well as some changes with the ship. Where do you want to start?” Nitus asked them.

“Let’s start with the fleet-wide changes,” T’Soni responded as the others nodded in agreement.

“The fleet has adapted a new policy. They will be relying on specific leaders and teams to complete missions as needed for missions, short or long-term. Meaning it won’t be unusual for one or all of us to move between ships as missions require,” Nitus said as she looked at everyone.

“How frequently will this happen?” D’Antonio asked.

“It would all depend on the mission at hand,” Nitus responded to him. “Moving along Fleet Admiral Duncan has moved from the operations office to the logistics office with Commodore Jori stepping up to take leadership of the operations office.”

“Never thought Duncan would make the switch from operations to logistics,” D’Antonio said as he looked at Nitus, then Lieutenant Jackson. “I always thought he would die in that position.” Everyone chuckled at his remark.

“There’s two more things. There’s a new task force within the fleet, Task Force 21. Of which we have not been assigned, instead we have been transferred to Task Force 93,” Nitus said as she finished updating them on the fleet’s business.

“Why have we been transferred?” Davidson asked her. It was strange. The Paramount was configured as the science variant what could they do in the humanitarian unit of the fleet.

“To be honest I don’t know,” Nitus responded honestly. “We also have our mission transport Captain Octavian Jackson, the newly appointed deputy commander of the task force we have been assigned. To Devron Fleet Yards. We have a little over twenty minutes before Captain Jackson arrives at Archanis Station. I would like to be ready in half that.”

The staff nodded as they acknowledged their new orders.

“Okay then you know what to do. Dismissed,” Nitus said sternly as she stood from her seat.

A red shirt crewman stood near the airlock. As the doors opened they blew a boatswain’s whistle signaling the arrival of an honored guest.

Captain Octavian Jackson, the newly appointed deputy commander of Task Force 93 stepped forward. “Permission to come aboard?” he asked.

“Granted,” Nitus said flatly as she reached her hand out. “Welcome aboard.”

“Commander,” he said as he reciprocated the action. “Thank you for having me.”

“The pleasure is mine, Captain,” Nitus said as she dropped her hand to her side. “This is my executive officer Lieutenant Commander T’Soni.”

“Commander,” Captain Jackson said as she reached out to grab the Vulcan’s hand. He shocked it softly before returning the focus to Nitus.

Nitus ushered him along.

“I’ve heard about your recent encounter with the Klingons,” Jackson said as they walked down the corridor with T’Soni and Captain Jackson’s aide-de-camp following close behind them.

“Yes well they started it,” Nitus said jokingly. Jackson chuckled at her attempt at being humorous.

“Are we close to being able to leave?” Captain Jackson asked her.

“Yes captain.”

“Good,” he said as they turned a corner and headed for the turbolift. “Can I let you in on a little secret?”

Nitus nodded to him eager to find out what he wanted to say to her.

“I’m the one who had you transferred,” he said in a hushed tone so the others couldn’t hear him. A smirk played on his lips.

“Why?” Nitus asked, puzzled. She didn’t understand why someone she had just met would have her transferred. Nitus knew of Jackson only by his reputation, nothing more.

“I’ve been watching you for a long time, commander. You are going to be my eyes in the field,” he said to her softly.

“Understood, Captain.”

They doors to the turbolift opened as they stepped inside. Nitus ordered it to the bridge. As they arrived the activity thatvhad been present earlier had simmered down to it’s normal activity.

“Captain on the bridge,” Nitus said as they stepped on to the bridge. Everyone stood in acknowledgement and saluted him.

“Return to your stations,” Captain Jackson said, his voice coming out smoothly.

“Ms. Lovar get me the dockmaster,” Nitus said looking to the communications officer.

“This is Paramount requesting permission to depart,” Nitus said as she made her way to the center chair.

“Granted,” the dockmaster responded before leaving the channel.

“Helm take us out one quarter impulse,” Nitus said looking to D’Antonio.

“Aye, quarter impulse,” he said as he tapped at his console moving the ship out of spacedock as the doors opened and they moved towards open space.

“Set across for Devron Fleet Yards warp 8,” Nitus said as she took her seat. T’Soni sat in hers and Captain Jackson sat in the one usually reserved for Lieutenant Reno.

“Standing by.”

Nitus looked to Jackson. She was about to ask him for to give the order but he simply gestured to her. Acknowledging she nodded to him and turned her attention back to the front.

“Take flight.”

At her command the Paramount surged forward as it headed for Devron Fleet Yards and their next adventure.


  • It was a pleasure collaborating with you on this mission. As the Paramount departs for new shores, those of the Archanis Sector wish them well! Nitus lived up to Captain Cayde’s hopes, and while she lied to Ambassador Drake, it did lead to the outcome he’d sought so water under the bridge!

    November 5, 2024