Part of USS Paramount: Season 1

USS Paramount - USS Kennedy - USS Lincoln

Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

While recalibrating sensor arrays along the Klingon border the Paramount receives a distress call from an Orion ship.

Mission Description

While on a mission to recalibrate a group of sensor arrays along the Klingon border near the Archanis Sector. The USS Paramount receives a distress signal from an Orion cruiser dangerously close to the Klingon side of the border. Commander Nitus orders the ship to investigate and they find the ship in shambles with battle scars evident across the ship.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

19 October 2024

Act Eight: Disapproval

USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

“A K’Tinga covered in disruptor burns, a crew of tight-lipped Orions, and a Negh’Var scowling at us from across the border,” chuckled Captain Cassidy Cayde, his expression rather relaxed given the circumstances. “Pretty typical, wouldn’t you say?” Captain Elise Drake, the [...]

16 October 2024

Act Seven: Battle Stations

USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

Captain’s Log Supplemental. With the arrival of the Klingon force there has been tension across the ship. Many fear what the Klingons are doing out here and worry if they may be the first causality in another long war. But the arrival of the USS Lincoln has relieved some of that worry. [...]

30 September 2024

Act Six: A New Plan

USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

“Commander Nitus to the bridge.” Nitus once sound asleep, woken by the sudden loud voice in her quarters calling her name. The Half-Romulan startled awake as she shot up from the bed at the sound of T’Soni’s voice; she had half expected the Half-Vulcan to sleep be asleep herself. She [...]

30 September 2024

Act Five: Help Has Arrived

USS Paramount: Episode 5 | Echoes of Orion

Emerging from the aft corridor on to the bridge of the former Imperial warship. Vozuk walked around the command chair looking to the PADD he was carrying, “Yes. What is…” he says as he stops in his tracks looking to the viewscreen at the three Klingon attack cruisers gathered on the opposite [...]