Part of USS San Diego: New Beginnings

Updating Dad

Ensign Ridenouer's Quarters, USS San Diego
December 2401
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Ensign Helmut Ridenouer’s Quarters

USS San Diego (NCC 75582)

December 31st, 2401

Currently on survey and mapping mission


Dear Dad,

So I made it! I’m piloting a starship. It seems like so long ago when I left for San Francisco. Warmer than Leinz but the skiing was awful. You know when I found out I got a posting on a California-class, I was rather unhappy. I was wanting some adventure, border patrols and rescue missions and all that. Duty on the San Diego isn’t quite up to expectations, Dad. We are currently doing the exciting mission of surveying a star cluster that’s been long overdue for it. So they say. It’s easy to forget that an Akira is a capable exploration and survey vessel. It’s so boring though, Dad. I’m basically just station keeping and going from point A to B. NOT like hang gliding back home. I know I should be grateful to have a starship posting at all, but the past six months have been MUNDANE. Still, I’ve always wanted to fly so here I am.

Still, the crew’s great. Captain Grineer is a Tellarite and is surprisingly approachable, sort of, though a bit gruff. If you mess up though he will DEFINITELY let you know how he feels about it, though one must admit while he’s hard, he’s also very fair. I can’t say I like him exactly, he makes me nervous, but I really do respect him. Commander Dikembo is the opposite. He laughs a lot and I kind of think he runs interference for us to keep the Captain happier. He’s from Earth, the Congo I think. He handles a lot of the more personal issues. He’s good at it. I think both the Captain and the XO have taught me that there are many different command styles and in this case, theirs both seem to be effective. I’m wandering, sorry Dad.

The senior Flight Control Officer is Lieutenant T’Prol. I like her well enough. If I didn’t know Vulcans better, I’d say she had a sense of humor. I swear she has a dry humor. Like desert dry, but I’m certain she has mastered sarcasm. The way she says “Indeed” when I explain a problem I had. She’s sarcastic, Dad I just know it. She’s a damned fine pilot though. Even though reality has been boring, we run a lot of sims and Lieutenant T’prol isn’t to be trifled with during the head to head training. That’s my favorite by the way, but I’m sure you already knew that. I’m your firstborn so you’ve known me longer than your other sons. Always testing the envelope as you’ve always said I have. How better to test it then against someone like the Lieutenant?

Let’s see, oh yeah. I have made a few good friends these past six months. There’s my roommate, Ensign Ollie Bolwick. He’s an engineer from a rough and tumble colony called Ophiucus III. He was born into a mining family. He’s friendly, helpful, a hard worker and is utterly incapable of shutting up. The man talks to everyone. He talks to himself while he works. He talks walking down the hall. He’ll talk to a wall. I’m PRETTY sure he talks in his sleep, Dad. He’s really smart though and I’ve overheard some of the crew say he’ll climb fast. 

Another of our little group is Ensign Chieko Miyamasu from Tactical/Security and the first thing I will tell you is she doesn’t miss with anything. Phaser, bow and arrow, even a thrown shoe, she will hit you. Never been frightened of someone who barely reaches my nose before but she can manage it. She’s so serious too. She kind of just joined Ollie and I one day and stayed. I think we were too scared to say anything. She doesn’t say much and when she does it’s short, to the point and well thought out. She is literally the anti-Ollie. She’s there when you need her though and that goes a long way.

Then there’s Ensign Devonii sh’Zonnos from Andoria. She’s from Tactical/Security too. She’s really nice. She’s really pretty. She makes my stomach feel funny, Dad. Worse then Agnes ever did. She’s quick to laugh, quick to joke and sometimes quick to anger. She reminds me of Mom a bit, I think you’d like her. She’s really something else, the nucleus of our group. Ollie the talker, Chieko the grim one and me….well, Dev calls me a danger seeker. I do a lot of what she calls “risky activities” on the holodeck when I can. It’s not quite the same as real life, but it’s fun enough.

 I really wish Mom could read this, to know I graduated and made it. One day, with hope, I’ll command a ship of my own. I’m sure she’ll see it from somewhere. How are you Dad? I hate the thought of you rattling around the house by yourself. Now that Otto joined that colony mission and left, I worry. How’s work? Any new structures on the horizon? Have you heard from Stefan and Otto? I know you weren’t entirely sold on me joining Starfleet, but it’s been….an experience. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The people make this great for me. There’s so many different points of view, personalities, backgrounds. All pointed to the same goal. There’s nothing like it Dad.

Well the group is here to collect me for the New Year’s Eve celebrations. The stars aligned and all of us are off duty. I wish you were here, Dad. I wish you could meet this odd bunch that are my friends and crewmates. Write back, I want to know you’re ok. Tell me about that project you got slated to head up, should’ve started by now, right? I miss all of you, even Stefan, impromptu boxing matches included. Our fighting drove Mom to distraction but it was all in fun at least half the time. I love you, Dad. I love all of you.

                                     With Love and Care,






  • I love how this letter really shows Helmut’s growth and the way he’s learning to navigate life in Starfleet. His humor and respect for his crewmates really shine through, especially how he talks about each of them in such a genuine, personal way. I can feel his sense of adventure mixed with a bit of homesickness, and it’s so touching how he keeps his mom in his thoughts while looking forward to his future. His pride and love for what he's doing are so clear—it's really inspiring to read. What an amazing journey he’s on!

    January 26, 2025