Part of USS Paramount: S1E7 | We Have Honor and USS Paramount: Season 1

Act One: Prologue

Kintara III, Kintara System, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2402.01 | 07:01 local time
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Covered in vast forests, deep lakes, windy rivers and treacherous mountains separating the planets eastern and western hemispheres. Kintara III was a unique planet home to a large population of Humans, Andorains, Trill and even Vulcans who embraced the 21st century Earth style of living with limited 25th century technology.

Across the planet animals roamed where they pleased and people enjoyed hikes and swam in the clean water. The countryside was covered in farms with houses far apart.

The cities themselves looked straight out of a history book.

Sprawling metropolises looked like the jungles of concrete and glass of old. Although transporters were present most preferred to walk or bike. Vast walkable cities stretched for miles. The largest of these were called Providence.

Providence was the capital city of the planet and the landing point when the colony was formed two centuries ago. Now, Providence is a city with a combination of the retro and modern amenities.

The city was always moving, always alive. Same as the other cities across the planet they were filled with people who enjoyed the four century old lifestyle. But that didn’t mean they were lacking when it came to defense. The planet was protected by a planetary shield and multiple orbital defense platforms as well as a group known as the Nova Rangers.

Even with this they weren’t safe.

Merely a two hour journey at warp 7 was the Klingon border. Which for the better half of a century had seen relative peace but it wouldn’t remain.

Providence, Kintara III

Pulling open the door, Josh stepped into the café. A bell rung as the door closed. As he walked in a smell of freshly ground coffee filled his lungs and the loud whirl of the grounder filled his ears. Around the café you could hear the hushed conversations of friends talking and the waiters who took and passed out the customers orders.

The café looked like one that could have been in uptown New York City. A sign on the wall behind ghe corner read ‘Midtown Café’.

“Good morning Josh,” the barista said as she stepped up to the counter smiling at him. “Your usual?” she asked him.

He reciprocated the smile. “Ye..” he started before pausing. “You know what I’m feeling good today. So surprise me,” he responded with a warm smile. “Also, can I get two apple crisp cookies?”

“Sure thing.”

Josh walked to the other end of the counter as he waited for his drink and cookies. He looked around at the decor the same that was up every time he came here but for some reason it was different today.

Then outside an explosion could be heard as people screams could be heard. Josh snapped out of his thoughts and walked over to the door.

He stepped outside of the café as a shadow passed over him, looking up at the sky he seen four ships each sporting the distinctive green hull of a Klingon vessel. Just as he was about to go back inside a torpedo left one of the ships.

In that moment he realized what was about to him. He looked around the street he seen the children holding their bleeding legs as their parents lay dormant on the group, he saw the couples hold each other as their lives came to an end. Then he looked into the café. Smiling as he locked eyes with the barista.

He had always found her attractive but never made a move. But now it was to late.

Then everything…



  • Nitus

    Commanding Officer