Part of Eos Station: Mission 1: Rule 34 War is Good for Business

An Unusual Event

Nov. 2400
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It had been a rather lengthy discussion, with various points being brought up.   Robert knew his argument would not prevail, but he still had to push for good people.   “This is not a wise choice,  Sir,” he protested.  “Eos is simply not ready for an event of this status.   We’re making progress but still a long way out.” He folded his arms,  “I wasn’t my objection noted in the long.” 

“So noted, Captain,” the Commodore replied.  “Look, this is simple,  the Romulans have assigned an Ambassador, and your new Ambassador wants a full state event.”

“And, which Romulans would this be, the sort-of-allies, the not-so-much allies, or the certainly-not-allies,” Robert looked at the Flag Officer.

“Not funny, Captain,” the Commodore replied as his image shrunk to half the v screen.   Opposite the Commodore’s face was the image of the incoming Ambassador.  “This is Ambassador Tomek; he’s new… very new.”

“Wait, isn’t that the son of….” Robert asked but was interrupted.

“Yes,” a quick reply came. 

“Then we know how he got the job. The question is why,” the Captain added.

“Starfleet Intelligence has been keeping an eye on him.  He’s stubborn, impulsive, and very egotistical.  However,  his father is a key figure in their government,” the Commodore gave that look.   The look said enough.   “The Ambassador will have full diplomatic courtesy and be at your station in two hours. Play nice.”

Before Robert could reply, the Commodore ended the call, and that was it.  The station was getting an Ambassador who had a giant silver spoon stuck up an orifice; it wasn’t his mouth. 

With a state dinner, an embassy, and an Ambassador, he was wondering just how ready he was. He wasn’t the most diplomatic Commander in the Federation. This was going to be interesting. 

Several hours had passed, and knew Robert found myself standing, in dress uniform, in transporter room 2.  As the Ambassador and his staff materialized on the padd, the Captain stepped footrests forward.  “Ambassador, welcome to Eos….”

“Is this the extent of my greeting,” the Ambassador interrupted, “an old man in glasses and a dirty transport room.”

Robert took a deep breath,  “my apologies Ambassador; most of my staff is currently dealing with your Embassy and our state dinner….”

Again the Romulan interrupted, “typical human incompetence.  My Aide,” the man gestured to another Romulan.  

This time Robert interrupted, “General Rempeck, it’s a pleasure to see you….”

“Diplomatic Aide Rempeck,” the Ambassador hissed as he dismissively waved his hands.  “We are done here. I will see my Embassy now, alone   Rempeck, see to the formalities with the Captain.”

Before Robert could protest, discuss policy, or even talk about the event, the Romulan was gone. “Well, he’s going to be fun.”

Sometime later, Robert stood in his office,  looking across the room at Rempeck.  The man had an extensive career as a military leader. He was well-known in many circles. “My friend, what happened?” Robert asked, retrieving a bottle containing a familiar blue-green liquid from the cabinet behind his desk.  

“Same thing that always happens with my people,” Rempeck took the offered drink,  “this is illegal for your people,  is it not?”  The Romulan took a sip, ” politics changed, the landscape morphed, and my former alliances were called into question.  I am a traitor to my former home and a backstabbing spy in my current home.   How is the family? When last we spoke, you were getting married?”

“Divorced, a by-product of the job,” Robert shrugged it off.  I was sure our allies within the Romulan government would accept you.”

“My friend, our government is no more, you know this.  And your allies have people like Tomek’s father.   Please make no mistake. Robert, the Ambassador, is very cunning, and his father is mighty.  Do not make an enemy of his family.”

“That was not my intention,” Robert topped off both their glasses, “yes,  it’s still illegal.” Robert looked at the man. He was a shell of his former self.   He used to be commanding,  fierce, and strong.  Now he was broken, defeated, and alone.   Robert made a mental note to see what Starfleet had on Rempeck.

“I can see the wheels in your head turning, Robert,” Rempeck spoke, “it’s a long story and one I don’t like to speak of. Perhaps if I get enough of this in me,” he held up his glass, “who knows.”

Robert stood up without speaking a word.   Going back to the cabinet behind his desk, the Captain pressed his thumb to the control panel.   As the holographic doors disappeared, Robert produced another bottle of Romulan ale.  “I think I got that covered.”

“Nice trick,” Rempeck smiled. The Romulan picked up his glass, twirling it in his hand for a bit.  “When we rescued those people, I knew my time was limited.  The Free State wasn’t taking me back, and the Republic thinks, well, gods know what they think.” 

“I am pleased to see you here,” Robert replied, “even if it hasn’t been easy, I know you are a good man, and perhaps in time, some of that will rub off on our Ambassador.”

Meanwhile, in the Romulan Embassy, Tomek’s rage was fully displayed.  “How did we not know that turncoat was friends with the Captain?”  Tomek didn’t like surprises, and when the Captain greeted his side, he was certainly surprised.

“There’s nothing in his file to suggest…” a reply came but was interrupted as Tomek hissed.

“I’ve read his file; I would have known. After this state dinner, I want that old man transferred to another assignment, General,” he mocked, “Rempeck can’t be sent to Ferenginar for all I care. He’s useless.”

Turning his attention to another figure in the room,  “Contact our Ferengi friend here in the station to ensure that everything is still on track.  We’ve put too much into this deal for things to backslide now.”  

Tomek looked around the Embassy, “definitely substandard Federation construction.” He smiled, “but give it time. We will rebuild but first, that geriatric Romulan needs to go.”