Part of USS Themis: Volleyed and Thundered and USS Odyssey: Volleyed and Thundered

Volleyed and Thundered – 13

USS Avenger (NCC-74206), Tracken system, Cardassian-Federation border (Former DMZ), Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 65572.47 (July 2388)
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Captain James Preston McCallister felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders as he stood on the bridge of the USS Avenger, a Defiant-class starship. He had always known that being in command of a ship was not easy, but he never thought he would face a situation like this. The Avenger was in the midst of a daring rescue mission. A Federation freighter, damaged and helpless, had accidentally drifted into Cardassian space. It had managed to restore some power, but not enough to go at full speed. Now, a Cardassian ship was on an intercept course, closing in fast.

Lieutenant Tremt Hunsen, his first officer and chief flight control officer, sat in front of him at the helm, his eyes fixed on the viewscreen. They were waiting for the freighter to cross over completely into Federation space before locking a tractor beam on it and pulling it to safety.

McCallister could feel his heart racing as the seconds ticked by. The Cardassian ship was getting closer and closer, its weapons charged and ready. He knew one wrong move could lead to a war between the Federation and the Cardassians.

Suddenly, the freighter began to pick up speed. It was now moving faster than the Cardassian ship, and it was clear that they would make it to safety. McCallister breathed a sigh of relief but knew they were not out of danger yet.

The Cardassian ship was still on its tail, and they needed to act fast. McCallister ordered to lock the tractor beam onto the freighter, and Hunsen quickly complied. The Avenger began to pull the freighter towards safety and extended its shields around it, but the Cardassian ship was preparing to fire its weapons.

“Tremt, what’s the status of the civilian freighter,” requested Captain McCallister in a calm yet assertive tone.

“Captain, the freighter is now secured within the tractor beam,” promptly reported Hunsen. 

“Good,” McCallister said as he sat back in his chair. “However, we must remain vigilant. Keep a watchful eye on the Cardassian vessel,” instructed McCallister, his voice unwavering.

“Aye, sir,” replied Hunsen, focusing solely on the task at hand.

The communication panel beeped as they continued their preparations to help the freighter. Hunsen announced it was the Cardassians hailing them. 

“Put them up,” McCallister ordered. 

A Cardassian Gul appeared on the main viewer. His voice boomed through the intercom. “This is Gul Jacet of the Cardassian Union. You have taken what belongs to us. Surrender the freighter and its crew, or face the consequences.” Gul Jacet was a tall, imposing figure with sharp features. His skin was a pale grey, typical of Cardassians, and his hair was jet black and slicked back into a severe style. He carried himself with an air of authority and confidence, making it clear that he would not be trifled with. Yet, despite his intimidating appearance, a certain elegance to his movements suggested a more refined nature lurking beneath the surface.

McCallister’s jaw tightened at the ultimatum. “I’m Captain James Preston McCallister of the U-S-S Avenger.” He sat up straighter. “I’m afraid that’s not an option, Gul Jacet. Our mission is to rescue those people, not hand them over to you.”

“You are making a grave mistake, Captain. You will regret this,” warned Jacet, his voice laced with a menacing undertone.

McCallister remained resolute. “I am willing to take that risk.”

“His targeting us and the freighter,” Hunsen announced.

“Charge phaser cannons and load a full spread of quantum torpedoes into the forward launchers. Then, lock target onto their warp core,” McCallister stated, staring at Jacet. 

The tension was palpable, and the crew on the bridge held their breath as the two ships faced off. Then, finally, Jacet spoke again. “This is not over, Captain. We will meet again.”

“I look forward to it,” replied McCallister, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He turned to his crew, his expression serious once more. “Well done, everyone. Let’s beam over the freighter’s crew and its passengers that need medical attention and ensure their safe return home.”

USS Themis (NCC-76554), Divinum System, Deneb Sector, Alpha Quadrant

Stardate: 78194.27

“Number and type of ships, Mister Lenjir?” Captain Cambil asked as she walked across the bridge of her ship. The Themis had just reconnected, and she was returning from the battle bridge. 

As she slid into her chair gracefully and elegantly, the Tiburonian chief security and tactical officer answered her. “Two Galor-class destroyers led by one Keldon-class cruiser.”

Commander Hunsen had moved back into his chair as he used the side console and turned to face him to see if what he was seeing was the same ship he had encountered fourteen years ago. Straight away, he recognised the power signature. “Captain, this is the same Gul Jacet that I encountered when Fleet Captain McCallister commanded the Avenger,” He whispered to Cambil.

Cambil nodded. She and many of the Odyssey’s senior staff knew about McCallister’s famed stand-off with a Cardassian warship during his brief tenure conducting intelligence gatherings of the Cardassian Union. It had only recently surfaced that while he had commanded the Avenger, McCallister had also saved his brother, the now captain of the Bellerophon. Was there some irony here that the same Cardassian commander was now here to render them help and support them in dealing with the Dominion Lost Fleet? Was destiny playing a cruel game? Either Cambil knew she wouldn’t be bothered by it, and she knew why James had sent her instead of dealing with Jacet himself. First, anyone who had read Admiral Jellico’s strategy guide in dealing with Cardassian knew you had to establish the upper hand. By sending the Themis, McCallister was sending a double-edged sword-style message to Gul Jacet.

On the one hand, he was expressing that he saw their arrival as essential to send the second largest ship in the squadron, while on the other hand, he was establishing his dominance in sending his deputy. Effectively he was telling Jacet he would have to wait to speak with him. Furthermore, sending Cambil, a Bajoran, was another blow to Jacet as McCallister ascertained his authority.  

Cambil disagreed with this pissing contest approach, but she understood that if Jacet were an old-guard sort of Gul, it would be wise for McCallister to show he was the dominant one. 

“The entire Justice Starfighter Wing has established a defence posture around us, captain,” T’Rani announced. 

“Tell them to follow us in, bring us within transporter range of the Cardassian ships, two-thirds impulse,” Cambil ordered.

The Vulcan pilot nodded and began inputting her commands; they were underway before long.

“Captain, just checking over the intelligence file of this Gul Jacet, he was one of a few surviving soldiers that were part of Legate Damar’s resistance movement during the War.” Counsellor Samris said to Cambil’s left. “He could be eager to settle some old scores. Maybe.”

“Maybe,” Cambil echoed though she wasn’t entirely sure, “Is there anything else we should know about him? Besides his run-in with our beloved squadron commander.”

Samris glanced back down at the intelligence file he had opened in front of him on his console. “Not much; he appears to have had a relatively quiet career since the war’s end. A recipient of the Legate’s Crest of Valour. He’s commanded the same ship, the Jorrene, since the war’s end. A capable commander. Beyond that, we know nothing else.”

“Interesting,” uttered Lieutenant Commander Trev Brashlend from the engineering station. The outlandish chief engineer was hunched over the engineering console on the starboard side of the bridge.

Cambil was intrigued to see what had caught her chief engineer’s eye, so she automatically asked him what it was. Unfortunately, Brashlend had no filter most of the time and would randomly say what he was thinking aloud. Though this time, she was glad he said something. “What is it you see, Trev?”

The Tellarite turned to his captain and smirked at his discovery before pushing the holographic display before him to appear before her in the centre of the bridge. The marvels of modern holography made such a thing so much easier. Trev was showing the latest scans of the Jorrene. “Though his ship has received some upgrades and updates to its systems, one thing still remains – Dominion-enhanced technology.”

“Come again?” Cambil asked.

Hunsen stood up to look at what the engineer was showing off. “By the four deities,” He gasped. “I had heard rumours of it but never had seen it in action.”

Trev nodded enthusiastically, “Starfleet Intelligence and the Corps of Engineers had wondered if such things had happened but believed that approached had been lost during the war.”

“For the rest of us non-engineers, can you share what you two find so fascinating, please?” Cambil said, looking between her first officer and chief engineer.

Hunsen gestured for Brashlend to explain, which he did automatically. “During the Dominion War, we know that the Dominion attempted to merge their technology with Cardassian technology. Though they were successful in some areas, there were some that they had difficulty with. It would appear that the Jorrene,” The engineer paused as he checked the scans on the other two ships, and he clapped his hooves together. “They’re exactly the same!”

“Again, more clarity, please,” Cambil insisted. 

Hunsen sat down and turned to her. “What Trev is trying to share is that these Cardassian ships are equipped with a lot of Dominion technology. From what we know, the Cardassians tried to augment Dominion technology into their fleets after the war but weren’t successful. However, there were rumours that some ships had been built from the ground up with the Dominion technology. So this is the first confirmation we have of this, here.” He pointed at the three ships they were approaching.

“So, should I be more worried?” Cambil asked cautiously, still unsure what they were getting excited about.

Hunsen shoulders deflated. “Not really, it’s just a fascinating feat of engineering.”

“You guys really need to get out more,” Cambil muttered with a smirk before telling Lenjir to open a channel. Once it was open, she looked straight forward. “I’m” Captain Cambil Bexa of the Federation starship Themis. Welcome to the Divinum system, Gul Jacet.”

Hunsen winced slightly at the image of the Cardassian Gul. He looked the same besides his hair being more faded with age. “Thank you, Captain Cambil; I assume you command this squadron of Federation ships?”

“No, but I am its deputy commander,” Cambil answered confidently. She wasn’t about to explain why McCallister wasn’t here. “We are currently responding to an emergency in the colony in this system. Can we be of assistance, Gul Jacet?”

Jacet sneered a bit. Apparently, he understood what was happening here. “We are from the forces of the Third Order sent to render aid to our Federation allies. We picked up the same distress call as you.”

“Well, we appreciate the support,” Cambil said sincerely. “Having the support from our allies in the Union means a lot to us.”

“Good, I am glad to hear it, but I must insist that I meet with you and your squadron commander, Captain Cambil,” Jacet said, attempting to reassert his dominance in the conversation.

“I can assure you, Gul Jacet, that I will relay anything that needs to be said properly to my squadron commander,” Cambil said. “What is it that you wish to say to us?”

Jacet considered Cambil for a moment. “What I must share must be shared privately.”

Cambil nodded at the Cardassian. “Very well, why don’t you and two of your aides beam aboard the Themis, and we can discuss this matter in person?”

“I won’t need any assistance, but your offer to host is agreeable,” Jacet said confidently. “I shall transport over in ten minutes.” He then proceeded to close the channel. 

Relaxing a bit, Cambil turned to her first officer. “Tremt, will you meet and escort Gul Jacet to the observation lounge? I’ll meet with him there.”

Hunsen lept into action automatically to head towards the nearest turbolift with Lenjir close behind him.

For a moment, Cambil remained in her seat as she glared at the three Cardassian ships on her main screen. The same design and style had remained in the Cardassian Union for over four decades. They mainly stayed the same (besides what was under their hulls). She was trying to stay positive and remember that relations with the Union were at their best presently. If their sudden involvement in dealing with the Lost Fleet was a sign of further cooperation between both powers, then she wondered if the Federation would push to expand the Khitomer Accords to include the Cardassian Union. Crazier things had happened. Getting up from her chair, she signalled for her yeoman to get the observation lounge ready for her guest while she placed T’Rani in command of the bridge and retreated to the privacy of her ready room.   


  • Wait what? Dominion technology on a Cardassian ship? Even if they say not to worry I'd probably be a bit worried or did they do this for a chance to get back at the Dominion? That in itself is leaving so many unanswered questions that kinda piqued my curiosity. I now wonder what is so important that they have to talk in person and not just over communication. Is this a trap? Cardassians can be a strange species in one way or another, can't wait to see what happens next.

    June 1, 2023