Part of USS Mackenzie: Mackenzie Squadron – The Last of Our Kind

TLOK 013 – What To Do

USS Mackenzie
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Wren groaned.  They were sitting in the briefing room around the elongated table.  Asato had just finished her report noting that Doctor Longfellow was still conducting the interview.  The captain tapped at her chrono, “They’re due tomorrow by 1000 hours.  She used the words ‘die’ and ‘prisoner’ in her verbal asylum application, so we will have to investigate the veracity of those claims…which is good news because her people are coming to ask for her back.”

Charlie gave a nod to T’Penga, “Lieutenant T’Penga and I have spent some time working through the historical and contemporary records we have on the Argovans.  There’s a trend of them saying ‘no’ to anything we’ve asked of them in the past.”

“That is true and the fact that they are seeking to even ask for this person back is a step in a different direction from what the Argovans usually do.” T’Penga began she then pulled up an image of the last known Argovan ship. “It has been some time since Starfleet has had any dealings with the Argovans. As such, we are not exactly sure the kind of technology that they may have. It is possible that their weapons and shielding are beyond ours. Unfortunately this is not something we will know until they arrive.”

Park sighed, annoyed, “So we won’t know if they can bloody our noses or take our heads until they get real close?”

“In a way… yes. We should be ready for anything. The need for analysis is why I believe we must appeal to the Argovan sense of propriety. We must tell them that an asylum request has been made, and now procedures must be followed. They should allow for the procedure, of course, believing that they will get the prisoner in the end. This will allow us to analyze their capabilities and formulate a plan.” T’Penga laid out what amounted to a delaying tactic. 

Hargraves picked up from there, “I’m going to try the diplomatic posture first.  Our team is putting the final touches on some promising approaches.”  Starfleet Diplomatic had not nominated a successor, leaving him to work with his team as more of a committee than a functional department.  It had led to some awkward and challenging situations.  The annoyance at the near silence from headquarters had been annoying at first, but it was becoming worrying.  What had gone wrong that he couldn’t get a response from anyone?

Walton returned the group’s attention to the situation, “Lieutenant T’Penga – you’ve got full permission to task long-range sensors to focus on our impending arrivals.  Looking at Doc’s preliminary report…do you think she’s telling the truth about her situation?”

Park indicated the report on her PADD, “I’ve seen my share of liars and cheaters.  We,” she nodded to Charlie, “did some work on her documentation and what testimony we had before stepping into this meeting.  There are plenty of questions…but none about what she’s gone through or why she’s here.  Chief Okada’s reconstruction of the shuttle is nearly complete, and she agrees – it’s hard to fake the kind of damage and action that little ship has seen. This woman’s had the shit kicked out of her, and they’re not done with her.  She’s afraid.  You can fake being scared and cry on command…but the counselor’s report on her observation and interview suggests a real fear is past the boiling point deep down inside her.”

Walton considered the reports.  “I wish I could just take off and get her safely back to Starbase 72 or even Bravo.  Pretend we didn’t hear from the Argovans.”  She caught her diplomatic officer stifle a chuckle and continued, “But…I like my job, and I’m sure you all enjoy having a ship to call home.  So we’ll wait.  Get out sensors and get a full report from Doc and our patient.  I need to know what will happen to her if we have to turn her over to them.  I’m going to find every loophole in the galaxy if it means we save her from getting the shit kicked out of her.”

Park mused, “And if we can’t?”  The rest of them had moved to stand but held at the question.  The XO could ask the question without worrying about Walton’s response.  The captain chewed on her bottom lip as she thought through the implications of a no-win scenario, “We’re bound by Federation Law, Process, and Procedure…along with Starfleet’s General Orders.  That’s a lot of paperwork stacked. Men and women better than us have saved planets and galaxies with less.  We’ll exhaust every option.  Life is still life.  Dismissed.”

The room was soon empty save for the CO and the XO.  Walton grumbled, “You had to ask?”

Park gave her an honest look, “Wren…they needed someone to ask it. They need to know we’ll do everything we can for her.  They needed to hear it from you.”

Wren gave her an impressed look, “Sounds like something I used to say to you, Park.”

The XO smiled, “I do listen on occasion.”

Walton cackled, “Emphasis on occasion.”  They both laughed.