Part of USS Paramount: S1E2 | The Gaveyard Shift and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

The Graveyard Shift: Act One

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Delta Quadrant; Markonian Outpost, Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 240105.25, 09:00
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“Captain’s Log Stardate two-four-zero-one-zero-five point two-five. We are currently enroute to Markonian Outpost. There has been reports coming fom the outpost of a Borg Cube’s destruction near chaotic space. Starfleet Command has dispatched us to investigate this matter. If neccesary deactive any left behind Borg tech to prevent the Collective from coming back.”

The half-Romulan stepped off of the turbolift and onto the bridge, a whistle blew in the background.

“Report,” she said aloud as she walked over to the command area and stood in between the helm and ops stations.

Standing there she looked out of the viewport at the outpost. ‘I thought it would be bigger.’ she thought to herself. She was happy to be given a mission away from home but feared what lurked in the shadows. They were in the delta quadrant. The Borg’s territory.

“We’ve arrived at Markonian Outpost, Commander,” Enzo stated as he turned his head slightly to her.

“Good.” she said as she sat down in her seat. “Open a channel to the outpost and inform them we are here to investigate the Borg cube that was spotted nearby.”

As they waited for a response Nitus, and T’Soni shared a look of worry. Were they ready to venture so far from home or were they just trying to live up to the glory of the legends? Soon the screen flickered to life and they were greeted by someone of an unfamiliar species.

“Commander Nitus,” he spoke firmly. “Thank you for coming so quickly. My name is Fictieff, I’m the station manager of Markonian Outpost. I have received word that there are sightings of a Borg wreckage nearby. We both know that the Borg is bad for both local stability and commerce. Both of which my outpost rely heavily on.” He said while grinning as he finished speaking.

“We will need to dock with your station to gather more information on where and what condition the cube is in,” she said to him. “Is that okay with you?” she asked him. 

“Permission to dock is granted. You can bring as many people over as you like. When you dock I would like to meet with you in person, Commander.” he said.

“Of course.” Nitus responded

Nitus spotted him smirking just as the transmission ended.

Nitus wondered what he wanted to talk about, and if he already knew where the cube was. She needed answers and the only way to get those answers was to go aboard the outpost.

“Number One, Mr. Zolath, Ms. Reno, and Ms. Lovar will accompany me.” She said as she stood up the rest stood up as well and began to follow her to the turbolift.

“Mr. Antonio the ship is yours. Have a small group of officers go aboard the station. I want them to ask a few people some basic things about the cube nothing too serious until we are finished with Fictieff. If they find anything of importance then I want you to save it on a PADD and show me once we return.” She said to him as the other officer walked onto the turbolift.

“Yes, Commander.” Enzo said as the doors to the turbolift closed.

Markonian Outpost

As they stepped out of the Paramount’s airlock and into the outpost’s airlock they were face to face with Fictieff.

“Welcome,” he said holding out his hand.

Nitus grabbed his hand and shook it. “Thank you, Fictieff.” She said as she let go.

She turned to the side and started speaking. “This is my first officer Lieutenant Commander T’Soni, chief of security Lieutenant Arva Zolath, chief counselor Lieutenant Alessa Reno, and chief communications officer Ensign Tiala Lovar.”

Fictieff nodded as she said their names.

“Welcome all to Markonian Outpost.” He said to them, before continuing. “If you will follow me?” He said as he gestured for them to walk out of the airlock.

Nitus thanked him and walked out of the airlock and onto the outpost’s promenade.

Fictieff sped up to walk next to Nitus. “I didn’t get a chance to ask this the last time I met with a ship commander. What happened to the Starfleet ship that visited us decades ago?” He asked in a whisper to avoid someone overhearing their conversation. “The Voyager was its name if I remember correctly,” he said.

“The USS Voyager successfully returned home roughly two years after leaving this outpost.”

“And her captain?” he asked

“Upon returning home to Earth, Captain Janeway was promoted to Admiral.”

“Admiral, well that is exciting news.” he said sounding proud. “I hope everything goes smoothly unlike when the Voyager was here.”

“As do I.”

Fictieff led them to a lift and they all stepped inside. He told the computer where he wanted to go and it chimed in response. 

The ride was only two minutes but it felt like twenty. It had been completely silent inside aside from the whir of the lift moving up the shaft. Everyone in there was lost in their own thoughts. Nitus’ thoughts were fixated on why they were aboard the station. She didn’t understand why Fictieff didn’t just say what he needed to say earlier.

The lift then came to a stop. Fictieff stepped out first and walked down a corridor to a door. They all walked into the conference room. After walking inside they spotted a figure standing near a window looking out into space.

The figure turned their head slightly but after looking at Nitus they turned their full body to face the party and smiled at Nitus

Nitus looked at the figure smiling at her but could not recognize who it was looking at her so he spoke.

“Well well well, if it isn’t Commander Nitus.” He said as he stepped forward, the lights lit up the ridges that were not evident on his forehead.

Nitus recognized the ridges as being a Klingon trait. She stared at the officer’s face for some time before she finally recognized who it was that was smiling at her.

“M’Ras!?” She said surprised. She was surprised that he was in the Delta quadrant. She looked at him with her mouth held open for a little while, but she soon realized this and she quickly closed it hoping no one had noticed. Then her eyes caught something. On his collar, she saw four silver pips gleaming under the light.

“Captain M’Ras.” He said correcting her while emphasizing the captain.

“Everyone please,” Fictieff said loudly interrupting their conversation before Nitus could respond. “Sit.” He said as he gestured towards the table, and he himself sat down.

Nitus looked from Fictieff to M’Ras standing across the table. She walked up to the seat nearest to Fictieff and sat down. M’Ras smirked at her as he himself sat down across from her at the table.

‘Why is he torturing me like this?’ Nitus asked herself. She wasn’t sure if he knew or didn’t know that she would be assigned to this mission all she knew was that he was trying to get under her skin for what reason she had no idea she had not spoken to him since their engagement on the Xyston. She was surprised that he would even leave the alpha or beta quadrants.

As the rest of them sat down Fictieff started talking, “As you all know there have been sightings of a destroyed Borg Cube near Chaotic Space.” He said to them as he looked around the table. “My main concern is the safety of all those who live on this outpost and the surrounding systems. We all know that when there’s one Borg Cube there’s usually many.” He said chuckling, trying to lighten the mood. It didn’t work.

“My only ask is that you get rid of any wreckage of the Borg and to do it as soon as possible.” He said, sounding as if he was begging them.

“Commander, the DEI can provide you with an updated map of the region, and if necessary any additional supplies you may need to investigate this matter.” M’Ras said turning his chair to her. Nitus simply nodded in response.

“Do either of you know where it is or might be?” Nitus asked, looking between the two of them. She was hoping that either of them would say yes. She wanted to get started quickly because Fictieff was right. If there is one Cube there is usually. She wanted to ensure the safety of not only her fellow officers but also the people who were living in the area.

“No.” M’Ras said, “But I have done some talking with the occupants of the station but not that much since I only arrived an hour before you.”

Nitus looked down at her hands. Without knowing even a rough area of where to look they would have to waste valuable time trying to find out where the cube was in the first place. “Well we won’t be able to do anything until we find out where the wreck site is,” she said as she sighed. She had hoped that they would have at least had a rough knowledge of where the cube was.

“Unlike in the Federation the people who reside here on the outpost value money. You may need to bribe or cajole some of them in order to get anything of use out of them.” Fictieff said as he reached up under the table and pulled out a case. ”Here is a case of every type of currency currently being used in the area.” he told her as he pushed the case towards her.

Nitus pushed the case to T’Soni as she grabbed it and sat it down on the floor next to her.

“Thank you. Fictieff, I’m also going to need full access to the station.” Nitus said to him. He nodded in response. “Whatever you need is here. I just please get rid of that cube.” He said.

“Well,” Nitus said as she stood up. “We’ll need to get going. If either of you needs me, I’ll be aboard the Paramount.” She said as she walked out of the conference room, followed by the others.


  • Very nice start! I can’t wait to read more about the challenges Captain Nitus and the diverse crew of the Paramount will face investigating the remnants of the Cube! The unexpected encounter with Captain M'Ras adds an intriguing twist to the story, leaving readers eager to unravel the mysteries ahead. The blend of Romulan-Klingon dynamics and the sense of urgency permeates the narrative, creating a suspenseful atmosphere. I can't wait to see how Nitus and her team rise to the challenge. Engage!

    November 4, 2023
  • “I thought it would be bigger” is certainly an amusing start to the Paramount’s first Delta Quadrant adventure, until you realize the anxiety that Nitus and T’Soni share about this excursion. I wonder how this will affect their perspective on events? I was slightly worried that Fictieff had nefarious motives in inviting the crew aboard the station, and it seems that wasn’t the case, but perhaps there is nothing more nefarious than unexpectedly springing someone’s ex on them! Looking forward to seeing how the team handles bribing their way through the first part of their mission!

    November 5, 2023
  • The station manager seems rather suss. I didnt trust him at first, but later he seemed less suspicious. Unless it's all a ruse? It seems *someone* would know where the cube is. Instead, the Paramount crew get to search for a needle in a haystack. Or wreckage in the ocean. Hopefully they find it and neutralise it soon. Great start! Hope to read more.

    November 8, 2023