Part of USS Polaris: S2E1. Entropic Foliations of the Galactic Fabric and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Into the Unknown We Go

Bridge, USS Serenity; and Bridge, USS Ingenuity
Mission Day 10 - 1400 Hours
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The Vesparan sun dominated the viewscreen as the USS Serenity and the USS Ingenuity drew towards it. Lieutenant Commander Ekkomas Eidran squinted as he tried to make out the aperture against the convective cells of the K-type main sequence star’s photosphere. Measuring only two kilometers in diameter with a relative luminosity many orders of magnitude less than the star behind it, such an attempt would be futile though until they were right on top of it. “I can think of many more hospitable places to put an Underspace aperture than this.”

“At least the plasma radiation and magnetic field lines have a blinding effect on the sensors of any emerging vessel,” Lieutenant Irina Tarasova noted as she stared at her instruments. “Even though I know where Captain Vox parked the Diligent, I can’t make it out against the energy gradient of the star.”

That was good, Captain Lewis thought to himself. It meant that Dorian would have the jump on anyone that might seek to use this aperture as a doorway into the heart of the Federation. The Fourth Fleet saw this as an opportunity to explore previously inaccessible frontiers, but the aged spook saw it differently. These new Underspace apertures were a liability that needed to be carefully managed, and that would start by charting what lay beyond.

“Sir, I’m detecting the energy signature of the aperture, bearing three three nine mark two at twenty thousand kilometers,” reported Lieutenant Commander Sena from the science station. Since Lieutenant Sh’vot had stayed behind to coordinate terraforming activities, and Ensign Vok was consumed with the other astrophysicists down in the lab, the Romulan had volunteered to call the shots for this soiree through the aperture.

While Captain Lewis still wondered why Admiral Reyes had humored the Romulan’s presence within their squadron, he welcomed the support of someone who understood the mechanics at play. He also saw this as an opportunity to observe the former Tal’Shiar agent. “Bring us about,” the Captain ordered. “And signal the USS Ingenuity to follow us in.”

“Three three nine mark two, aye,” confirmed Lieutenant Selik.

Ingenuity confirms ready to follow us through,” added Lieutenant Commander Sena.

Out across their bow and due ahead, they could now make out the bright oranges and browns of the Underspace aperture as they drew closer and closer. Captain Lewis had read the reports of what awaited them within the corridors that lay beyond. Lieutenant Selik would take it as he always did. The Vulcan was unflappable. But how about Ensign Rel, his young love interest who was at the helm of the USS Ingenuity? He wondered how she was doing with it all.

Aboard the USS Ingenuity, the bridge was silent with a mix of apprehension and anticipation.

“Ensign Seltzer,” Commander Lee ordered as she stood behind flight control, watching their approach through the viewscreen. “Give me a final status check.” She already knew what he’d say, of course, as she’d already asked for no less than a half dozen such checks during their short trip from Vespara Prime, but doing so once more was how she was coping with the stress on their final approach.

“All systems green, ma’am,” Ensign Seltzer confirmed swiftly. He already had his displays up, watching power output, EPS distribution, and a couple dozen other key indicators, distinctly aware that the ship needed to be in tip-top shape for what awaited them. Lieutenant Raine had done an excellent job getting everything back in tip-top shape after all those modifications that Dr. Brooks and Dr. al-Qadir had made earlier.

“Alright, everyone, listen up!” Commander Lee said as she turned to address the bridge crew, nerves evident in her voice. “Once we go in, conn has prio! Keep chatter to critical callouts only!” This would take careful coordination between Serenity, where Lieutenant Commander Sena would be plotting their course and Lieutenant Selik would be flying the lead ship, and Ensign Rel, who would be holding the Ingenuity tight on their tail. There’d be no room for error.

Around the bridge, the bridge crew nodded dutifully. They’d already been fully briefed. Unless something was about to blow up, everyone understood they were to keep their mouths shut and focus on their instruments while Ensign Rel did her thing. They’d have plenty of time to dissect the data coming off the Ingenuity‘s sensor suite once they arrived at wherever it was that the Underspace would take them.

“You got this, Elyssia,” Commander Lee offered as she looked down at the seated flight controller and set a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Ensign Rel looked back and smiled. “Just another adventure, ma’am.” It always was with Polaris Squadron, and she was here for it.

“Then onward to the labyrinth we go,” Commander Lee nodded as she stepped away and took her seat at the bridge’s center. “Strap in, everyone!”

Around the bridge, she heard the harnesses of the jump seats as they clicked into place. Inertial dampeners would only do so much if they lost control once they were inside the deeply distorted corridors of the Underspace.

Looking then back towards the viewscreen, she watched as the USS Serenity, just a few dozen kilometers ahead of them, edged ever closer to the aperture. And then, it was gone, pulled forth into the Underspace.

“Here goes nothing,” Ensign Rel remarked.

And then in they went.


  • An another great read as to how the Serenity and Ingenuity go into the underspace portal to explore the hostile and unknown tunnels to where ever that might bring them. You can read the suspense in the air with this post but also a lot of trust is being put in both Selik and Rel to pilot it. It is a great post, well done!

    July 14, 2024